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Jiading art museum hosts watercolor exhibition

( ) 2017-01-17

Residents in the Jiading district of Shanghai have an opportunity to enjoy a watercolor feast at the Shanghai Wutong Art Museum, which is hosting a watercolor exhibition from Jan 7 to Feb 9.

Jiading art museum hosts watercolor exhibition

A watercolor painting focusing on daily life in the modern city on display at a watercolor exhibition at the Shanghai Wutong Art Museum from Jan 7 to Feb 9. [Photo/]

The exhibition includes 70 paintings created by 24 artists from Shanghai and Jiangsu province. The works cover a wide range of themes such as natural landscapes and daily life in modern cities. The paintings demonstrate a high level of skill and the artists' insight on nature and contemporary society.

Jiading art museum hosts watercolor exhibition

A watercolor painting portraying the natural landscape in rural areas on display at a watercolor exhibition at the Shanghai Wutong Art Museum from Jan 7 to Feb 9. [Photo/]

Liu Yaping, deputy director of watercolor committee of the Chinese Artists Association, said that the creation of watercolor paintings requires careful observation, deep understanding, and personal experience.

The exhibition offers Shanghai and Jiangsu artists an opportunity to discuss skills and ideas about watercolor painting. It will hopefully enhance exchange and collaboration between Shanghai and Jiangsu watercolor artists.




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