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City orienteering challenge opens in Jiading

( ) 2016-04-25

City orienteering challenge opens in Jiading

Opening ceremony for the Jiading stop of the Shanghai City Orienteering Challenge, April 23 [Photo/]

Around 1,000 runners took part in the Jiading stop of Shanghai City Orienteering Challenge on April 23, local media reported.

Jiading set up two routes for the contestants. One route focused on displaying the confortable living environment and cultural landscape of the district, while the other aimed to show its scientific and technological innovation.

Wan Ben, a route planner, said that Jiading has so many landmarks that can be chosen as the control points, since it is an emerging industrial hub in Shanghai.

City orienteering challenge opens in Jiading

Participants of the Shanghai City Orienteering Challenge are on the run in Jiading district, April 23. [Photo/]

This year many control points are new to the orienteering, enabling the participants to gain a better understanding of the district, added Wan.

Jiading is one of the five sub-venues for the orienteering challenge. The other four are the Xuhui, Jing'an, Putuo, and Baoshan districts. And the main venue is the Shanghai Stadium.

There are a total of 35 routes for the events, which attracted 4,000 teams.

The event is part of this year's Shanghai citizen sports meet, which wants to promote a healthy and low-carbon lifestyle among locals.



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