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Global drillers now look east for rigs
Construction on the world's biggest ultra deepwater semi-submersible drilling rig with dual drilling towers began last week in Yantai, East China's Shandong province.
Kun Opera interprets classic
One of China's four great classic novels "Dream of the Red Chamber" was adapted to Kun opera and staged on Oct 14 in Jinan.
Returning to life on the land
Chai Huilong surprised his parents and fellow villagers when he chose to return to his hometown and farm the Chinese leek after he graduated.
China preserves Great Wall of Qi remains

JINAN - China has approved a plan to preserve key parts of the Great Wall of Qi in eastern Shandong Province, a world heritage site and the predecessor of the more famous Great Wall in northern China, officials said on Thursday.

Built between 770 BCE and 476 BCE in the ancient state of Qi, or Today's Shandong, the Great Wall of Qi is the oldest Great Wall in China.It started at a small village in what is now Changqing County, with passes, gates, castles and beacon towers along a total length of 620 kilometers till it met the sea near Qingdao.

Due to natural erosion, construction, mining and land reclamation, the Great Wall of Qi is in a worsening condition, said Xie Zhixiu, deputy head of Shandong cultural heritage department.

The plan drawn by Shandong authorities and approved by the central government gives priority to the preservation of 10 key sections and heritage sites and involves reinforcement of seriously damaged sections, removal of vegetation and improvements to drainage.

As military defense projects, more than 20 emperors in ancient China ordered the building or renovation of walls and fortifications. The Great Wall of China was inscribed on the world cultural heritage list in 1987, the Great Wall of Qi is part of this cultural heritage.

09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island