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Officials, experts discuss wealth management in Qingdao
The global economy's booming wealth management sector was one of the main topics during the 2016 China Wealth Forum, held from Friday to Sunday in Qingdao, East China's Shandong province.
Growth in tourism rooted in mountain
Tai'an, a city in Shandong province that is centered on Mount Taishan, is tapping into its historical and cultural resources to become an international tourist destination.
Family builds hospital on strength of treatment
Created in the late Qing Dynasty by the Luan family in the village of Huatuan, the Huatuan Bone Setting style features both a bone-setting technique and a plaster invented by the family.
Two giant pandas arrive at new home in Jinan Zoo

Two giant pandas arrive at new home in Jinan Zoo

Pandas from Sichuan province arrive at their new home in a Shandong zoo, on Wednesday. [Photo by Lin Qingxian]

A pair of giant pandas from southwestern China's Sichuan province arrived at their new home at the Jinan Zoo, in Jinan, Shandong province, on Wednesday.

The two pandas, both two years of age, have been borrowed from the Wolong Nature Reserve for a long-term exhibition. An elderly panda at the Jinan Zoo, named “Quan Quan”, died of respiratory failure two years ago.

“The new pandas on loan are in their prime and very healthy and active, and we’ll try our best to take good care of them,” commented the Jinan Zoo’s director, Pan Piqi. To make good on his word, Pan said they will give the pandas a comfortable home -- a 2000-square-meter panda house that was built just last year. And, it’s well equipped, with an air-conditioner, and advanced medical and air-cleaning facilities.

Four local professional breeders have been brought in to attend to the pandas and a breeder from Wolong has been asked to stay with the animals for awhile to help them acclimatize themselves to their new home. The zoo has also planted 5 hectares of bamboo to make sure the pandas have a steady diet of fresh leaves. Pan said that if everything goes well, the pandas will be on exhibit during this year’s Spring Festival holiday.

By Wang Qian (China Daily Shandong Bureau)


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