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Economic zones drive Shandong's GDP
Two special industrial zones in Shandong province have become major engines for local economic growth since the State Council approved them over a year ago.
Paradise of birds
The Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve in Shandong province is blessed with various species all year round, an ideal habitat for migratory birds from inner lands to the Pacific.
An Accidental style
Han Fang's clay creations are the results of serendipity.
Largest unmanned helicopter flies

The largest unmanned helicopter ever manufactured by China is now in service in Shandong province, the provincial land and resources department said on Nov 1.

The helicopter, capable of flying as high as 3,000 meters at a top speed of 161 km/h with a payload of 80 kg, can be controlled from a maximum distance of 150 km or programed to fly automatically, according to Cheng Shenzong, board chairman of Weifang Tianxiang Aerospace Industry, a company that helped develop the aircraft.

The helicopter can be used to conduct geological surveys, as well as aid in emergency rescue operations, aerial photography and forest fire prevention, Cheng said.

At least 15 such helicopters have been ordered for production, Cheng said.

The helicopter was jointly developed by Weifang Tianxiang Aerospace Industry Co Ltd, Qingdao Haili Helicopter Manufacturing Co Ltd and the China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation.

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2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island