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Economic zones drive Shandong's GDP
Two special industrial zones in Shandong province have become major engines for local economic growth since the State Council approved them over a year ago.
Construction for 2014 Qingdao Horticultural Expo in full-swing
A mobilization ceremony was held last week to kick off the 300-day construction of the 2014 Qingdao International Horticultural Expo.
The bone collectors
Thanks to the efforts of two men, oracle bones escaped the fate of being all ground up and digested.
IBM branches out to Yantai

International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), a leading global IT company, set up a branch office in the Outsourcing Demonstration Park of Yantai, East China's Shandong province, which is its thirty-second branch office nationwide.

The company is expanding its software research and development, services outsourcing and system integration in provincial cities of Yantai, Weihai and Weifang.

The company is hoping to hire more than 100 high-caliber people to work in China or abroad within three years.

Located on the north coast of Shandong, Yantai has made great headway in its software outsourcing services in recent years.

The city is home to more than 200 businesses in the software sector. Approximately 60 companies provide outsourcing services in areas such as information technology and business management.

By Wang Qian (China Daily Shandong Bureau)

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Tom Mcgregor

09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island