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China collecting new sources overseas to provide iron ore
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Foreign friends engage in Jinan's city management

Foreign friends engage in Jinan's city management
Foreign friends learning how to make paper cutting in Baotu Spring Park.

Foreign friends engage in Jinan's city management

An interpreter explaining cleaning works management at Jinan West Station to foreign visitors.

More than 20 foreigners were invited to experience the city management work of Jinan, capital city of Shandong province, on Sept 2.

Foreigners visited Jinan West Station, which was built for the high-speed railway, and praised the station's hygienic conditions.

"The station looks smaller than the one in Shanghai, but it is so clean," said Christine Antoine from France. "And streets near where I am living are also tidy. There are environment workers cleaning the streets every day."

In Baotu Spring Park, a famous scenic spot in Jinan, foreign friends enjoyed a series of traditional Chinese folk crafts shows, including paper cutting and dough figurine sculpting given by local craftsmen.

Foreign friends also volunteered as traffic management assistants to encourage more residents to obey traffic roles for a better Jinan.

By Zhao Ruixue (China Daily Shandong Bureau)

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Clark Cahill

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