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Sailing World Cup delayed by fresh gale

( Xinhua )

Updated: 2013-10-16

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QINGDAO -- The second-day competition of ISAF Sailing World Cup Qingdao 2013 was delayed by fresh gale on Yellow Sea.

Liu Wei, director of the organizing committee, said that the races on Oct 15 were delayed because of high wind from Qingdao Fushan Gulf.

The committee decided to hold playoffs on Oct 16 and Oct 17 to make sure that the competition can be finished in six days.

The wind from Qingdao Fushan Gulf has been strengthening since Oct 14. Several sailors' boats overturned in the first day races. The boat of Chinese Xu Liajia, London Olympics champion in women's laser radial, also capsized in the gulf.

After two races of the first day, Tatiana Drozdovskaya from Belarus remained in the first place, and Xu Lijia only ranked seventh.