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Foreign Trade

Updated: 2013-04-28

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Qingdao's import and export volume was USD 73.208 billion, up 4.2%, with experts amounting to USD 40.82 billion, up 3.6% and imports amounting to USD 32.388 billion, up 5.0%.

Foreign Trade

According to Qingdao Custom's statistics, imports and exports registered at Qingdao ports totaled USD 148.92 billion, down 1.3%. Of the total, USD 71.22 billion were exports, down 2.4% and USD 77.70 billion were imports, down 0.4%

In 2012, direct foreign investment reached USD 4.6 billion, up 27.8%.

Total contracted value of overseas contractor projects and services was USD 1.42 billion, up 7.4%. Turnover amounted to USD 3.32 billion, up 130.2%; the number of personnel sent overseas reached 7,629, up 31.1%.