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Qingdao sailing festival to be held

Updated: 2009-08-14

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Qingdao International Sailing Week will kick off in the Olympic Sailing center here on August 21.

From August 15 to 28, six sailing competitions will be held, including the “Shandong Businessmen Cup” 2009 Qingdao International Sailing Regatta, the National 470 Class Sailing Classic, the “Mayor Cup” Dalian-Qingdao Sailboat Rally, the Qingdao International OP class Sailing Match, the 2009 Shandong province Sailboat Youth Championship, and the “Zhongneng Cup” 2009 Sailboat Race. The International Sailing Regatta will be attended by ten fleets from countries including China, Russia, Japan and Belgium. The Dalian-Qingdao Sailboat Rally will include eight fleets from cities across China, including Qingdao, Dalian, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. It will be held annually.

Citizen and tourists will also be able to enjoy large-scale sailboat parades, water skiing, and funny diving shows during the sailing week. On August 22, a “Sailing Experience Day” will allow local residents to try sailing for free under the direction of professional coaches. The week is sponsored by the State Physical Culture Administration and Qingdao Municipal Government.

By Wangqian (China Daily Shandong bureau)                                   

Editor: Guo Changdong