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Zhangjiagang holds orienteering event for public good

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2019-12-09

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An orienteering event with a slogan “walk for love” was held in Zhangjiagang, East China’s Jiangsu province, on Dec 8.

A total of 2,552 people took part in the activity, which required participants to walk to 13 different places across the city and carry out a variety of tasks with the goal of collecting money for people in need.

The 13 places included the Zhangjiagang branch of China Mobile, where people had the opportunity to experience VR video through a 5G network, and the city’s first aid museum, where participants learned some first aid skills.

People also learned how to make coffee at a local café and how to make sandwiches with their children at the Seventy-One Work Shop.

This is the fifth year the event has been held, and this year’s event raised 189,275 yuan ($26,896) for seven public welfare projects, including poverty alleviation and elderly care.

Zhangjiagang holds orienteering event for public good

People learn to make coffee at Word Coffee during an orienteering event in Zhangjiagang on Dec 8. [Photo/WeChat account: zjgtvnews]

Zhangjiagang holds orienteering event for public good

A man tries out a VR device at the Zhangjiagang branch of China Mobile during an orienteering event on Dec 8. [Photo/WeChat account: zjgtvnews]

Zhangjiagang holds orienteering event for public good

People pose for a photo during an orienteering event in Zhangjiagang on Dec 8. [Photo/WeChat account: zjgtvnews]
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