Zhangjiagang  :  

Administrative divisions

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-08-13

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Leyu town

Administrative divisions

Leyu town in Zhangjiagang. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Leyu town with a total area of 78.56 square kilometers and 17.84 kilometers of the Yangtze River coastline is known as the eastern center of Zhangjiagang. The town has received many honorary titles, such as National Advanced Cultural Town, National Health Town, and Jiangsu Civilized Town.

The 4.2-square-kilometer Scientific and Technological Innovation Industrial Park has a firm industrial foundation and advanced business environment. Currently, there are more than 10 enterprises dealing in automobile and parts, high-end mechanical equipment, new materials and other industries. The town has been honored as the Provincial Science and Technology Incubator and the Jiangsu Innovative-based Pilot Town.

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