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Art show opens at Weidao Taoist Temple

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-07-02

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A show of paintings by Zhang Minglou opened on June 28 at Weidao Taoist Temple in Suzhou, Gusu Evening News reported. With a variety of paintings, the show aims to piece together different periods in the history of Suzhou opera and literature.

The show features more than 40 pieces of art by Zhang Minglou, including a copy of frescoes from Yongle Taoist Temple, Bodhisattva and Buddha portraits, paintings of the characters in Chinese opera and landscape oil paintings.

Zhang Minglou is currently a professional painter. He graduated from the Chinese painting department at the Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in 1982, and later became an art teacher. He began to study and copy frescoes from Yongle Taoist Temple and Dunhuang Grottoes, in Gansu province, in 1989, and spent nearly 10 years copying the most classical frescoes from Yongle Taoist Temple. He was recommended to restore the frescoes at Weidao Taoist Temple last year.

The show is open for free to the public and continues until July 13.

Hours: Mon-Fri 13:00-16:00; Sat, Sun 10:30-16:00.

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