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Government evaluates talent-led projects

( China Daily )

Updated: 2013-10-31

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The government of Zhangjiagang launched in July a system aimed at evaluating projects carried out by recruited talents in the city.

It took one year to do the research.

All projects and related enterprises running for more than two years are evaluated, and only five of them will be rated "Talent-Led Innovation and Start-up Enterprises".

The system, the first of its kind on the Chinese mainland, focuses on economic, social and technological effects brought by the projects.

More than 10 quantitative indicators including the total and average output value of an enterprise, contribution to the industrial chain, and total number of patent applications make up the system.

The evaluation system will be used in the talent recruiting process of the city. Project judges will get a performance forecast of an applied project to decide whether to approve it, and the forecast will be used as a standard if the project is approved.

The Zhangjiagang city government has attached great importance to recruiting talent in recent years.

Every year, the government gives more than 150 million yuan ($24.43 million) in special funds for this purpose.

A total of 228 projects from leading talents are brought in or carried out in the city.

China Daily

(China Daily 10/31/2013 page18)

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