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Zhangjiagang plans vehicle importing logistic center

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-09-06

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Plans for a vehicle import logistics center at Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone in Jiangsu province have been approved in Nanjing, marking the official start of construction.

The center includes two functional areas – a port and a business area – with seven functions, including loading and unloading, vehicle distribution, automobile parts distribution, vehicle modification, display, 4S service and second-hand vehicle trade.

With an area of 1.79 million square meters, the center will provide professional and overall service for vehicle manufacturers and agents of provinces and cities along the Yangtze River.

A total of 12 projects are ready for construction with investment of 2.6 billion yuan ($424.8 million). Nearly 50 vehicle agents have registered in the area.

A total of 200,000 vehicles are expected to be imported through the center by 2020. A total of 500,000 vehicles are expected to be exported or delivered at the center.

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