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Lantian Eco-agricultural Tourism Garden


Updated: 2011-12-08

Lantian Eco-agricultural Tourism Garden

Honghu Lake is China's seventh largest fresh water lake and the biggest in Hubei.

The Honghu Lantian Eco-agricultural Tourism Garden is located in northwestern Hubei province. Honghu Lake is China’s seventh largest fresh water lake and the biggest in Hubei. With an area of 348 square kilometers, Honghu has best preserved its wetland ecological system and water quality. This state-level wetland nature reserve has large water bodies with a straight lakeshore and flat lakebeds. The water is tinged light green, hinting at the bright waterweeds that lie beneath. Its aquatic life is rich with shrimps, fish, wild ducks and transient geese.

Lantian Eco-agricultural Tourism Garden

The water is tinged light green, hinting at the bright waterweeds that lie beneath.

In addition to abundant aquatic life, Honghu Lantian Eco-agricultural Tourism Garden boasts gorgeous sceneries with each season showcasing new unique features. It is home to 74 varieties of fish and cowries, including black carps, grass carps, silver carps and cyprinoids. Twenty four species of birds inhabit Honghu Lantian Garden and wild fowls are often found hunting for food. Aquatic plants, such as lotus roots, water chestnuts, wild rice shoots and Gorgon fruits are spread all over the lake. Most significantly, the Yangtze River Xinluo section connected to Honghu Lake is the national nature reserve for the protection of white-flag dolphins. Walking along the route, tourists will enjoy the pleasure of viewing the aquatic wildlife, gathering lotus and, on occasion, seeing the rare white-flag dolphins.

Lantian Eco-agricultural Tourism Garden

Its aquatic life is rich with shrimps, fish, wild ducks and transient geese.

Walking into the garden, people will first notice a memorial archway modeled after the antique. It is nine meters high and 8.5 meters wide. The architecture is both distinctive and novel decorated with red patterns, illustrating lacquer wares that are prominent in Hubei culture. Two large stone turtles are placed on the sides of the archway, extending blessings to tourists passing through the archway for good luck, happiness and longevity.

Lantian Eco-agricultural Tourism Garden

It boasts gorgeous sceneries with each season showcasing new unique features.

Scenic spots

Lotus view corridor

Lantian Eco-agricultural Tourism Garden

The corridor, 100 meters long, integrates the essence of Chinese corridor architecture.

The corridor, 100 meters long, integrates the essence of Chinese corridor architecture. It is built in line with features of Honghu, a region of rivers and lakes. At an interval of three meters, each plaque of the corridor is drawn with characters from the story of Honghu Red Guards. Strolling along the corridor, tourists may enjoy the scenery and sing the famous song, "The Waves of Honghu Lake.”

The corridor is based in a natural lotus root farm. From June to September each year, green lotus leaves grow like umbrellas with pink lotuses resembling the smiling faces of maidens. To get closer to the lotus leaves, take the 8,000-meter curving corridor. This way you can touch them with your hands, taste their fresh and sweet lotus seeds or pick them up to shade off the ruthless summer sunshine. It may feel good to “walk through the corridor as if touring in pictures.”

Lantian Eco-agricultural Tourism Garden

From June to September each year, green lotus leaves grow like umbrellas with pink lotuses resembling the smiling faces of maidens.

Yangzhi Guanyin

Yangzhi, meaning a clean dental wood chip in the Sanskrit language, is one of the 18 daily necessities of Buddhists and is used to clean the body. Guanyin is the infinitely merciful Bodhisattva, with 33 incarnations saving 12 catastrophes. Yangzhi Guanyin, one incarnation of Bodhisattva, holds a poplar twig in the right hand and a bottle in the left hand. According to the legend, Guanyin Bodhisattva wet his poplar twig with sweet dew and sprayed it to remove ill fortunes and diseases from the world. The dews not only removed ill fortunes and diseases, but satisfied the wishes of the people. In ancient days, Honghu was a part of Yunmeng Lake, which was connected to the vast Dongting Lake. The area was covered with reeds and local fishermen often encountered stormy waves when catching fish. If the fishermen drifted off course, they would recite the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva and pray for safety from the dangers of Honghu Lake.

Fishing Island

The architecture follows the styles of Ming and Qing dynasties. It has grey tiles and whitewashed walls. The island is brimming with many varieties of flowers and plants. It has several pavilions for tourists to buy fishing articles, take a rest or go shopping. The island also has a temple for Emperor Wenwang of West Zhou Dynasty. Surrounded by lake water, the island presents beautiful scenery, an ideal place for tourists to relax and fish. Tourists are able to cook their catch themselves in the buffet restaurant for a delicious meal to end the day.

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