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China-Africa investment forum opens in Hangzhou

2010-September-10 09:46:33

A China-Africa investment forum opened Thursdayin Hangzhou, capital city of East China's Zhejiang province, to push forward the business co-operation between China and African countries.

China-Africa investment forum opens in Hangzhou

The China-Africa investment forum in Hangzhou, Sept 9, 2010. [Photo by Zhang Ming/China Daily Shanghai Bureau]

The three-day forum, sponsored by Touchroad International Holdings Group, has more than 100 government officials from 43 African countries and more than 500 Chinese entrepreneurs in attendance.

Attendees will discuss the investment opportunities in Africa and the Sino-Africa business cooperation after the financial crisis, said He Liehui, chairman of Touchroad International Holdings Group.

A minister-level round-table conference will open to discuss the mutual business cooperation.

"Ministers will sign a Hangzhou Declaration to promote more Chinese enterprises to invest in Africa," He said.

Meanwhile, business talks will be held between Sino-African enterprises at the forum to seek investment opportunities, he said.

African delegates will be invited to visit Zhejiang enterprises to look for the possibility of business cooperation, the chairman said.

The forum, founded by Touchroad in 2008 to be held once a year, is a non-profitable and non-governmental international event. Its purpose is to promote the investment in Africa from China and other countries and strengthen their trade relationships.

Agreements about more than 100 Sino-African projects were signed at the last two forums, He said.

By Chen Qide (China Daily Shanghai Bureau)


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