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Guiyang East Railway Station opens to the public

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-11-07

The bullet train C6491 departed from Guiyang East Railway Station for Kaiyang county on Nov 2, marking the operation of Guizhou's third largest high-speed railway station.

At present, the new station runs Guiyang-Kaiyang rail line service only, expecting to add rail services connecting Guiyang with various cities, including Shanghai and Guangzhou, in future.

According to an official from Guiyang East Railway Station, the new station is expected to help distribute passengers. After the operation of Chongqing-Guiyang high-speed rail service, the Guiyang East Station is expected to receive over 20,000 passengers a day on average.

Guiyang East Railway Station opens to the public

Passengers take high-speed train at Guiyang East Railway Station on Nov 2. [Photo/www.gzdsw.com]

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