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Sleepless Guiyang in pictures

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-07-14

Sleepless Guiyang in pictures

Located in the southeast of suburb Guiyang, Gaopo village is the highest place in the city. The windmills gliter under the starry night sky, making the village seem like a fairyland. [Photo/news.gog.cn]

Sleepless Guiyang in pictures

The night fair on Shaanxi Road gathers many time-honored foods in Guiyang. People like having midnight snacks, such as roasted beancurds and beer, at the roadside barbecue stalls. [Photo/news.gog.cn]

Sleepless Guiyang in pictures

Streching across some 7,000 square meters, Jiwenli, a creative culture cluster in Guiyang, provides a wonderful place for young people to read books, make friends and exchange ideas. Some bookstores are open 24 hours every day. [Photo/news.gog.cn]

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