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China's big data valley welcomes new age of block data

By Li Yang ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-05-26

Guiyang city, Guizhou province announced that it expects to take the big data lead in China in the new age with block data, at the ongoing Guiyang International Big Data Expo held from May 26 to 29.

China's big data valley welcomes new age of block data

The Guiyang International Big Data Expo 2015 kicked off in Guiyang, capital of southwest China's Guizhou provinceon on May 26, attracting enterprises such as Alibaba, Foxconn and Huawei.[Photo/Xinhua]

Block data describes as massive amounts of information from different sectors that is processed to drive different sectors, for example for improved efficiency in government management.

In this latest move to develop block data, Guiyang started a citywide free Wi-Fi project earlier this year, where the local government assured the public of secure, safe and confidential connections.

This was followed by the opening of the nation's first big data laboratory, big data public site, and big data exchange center.

That center is expected to see trade worth 200 million yuan ($32.8 million) by the end of this year, while Guiyang at the same time plans a big data valley, as the city hosts the international expo themed with "Big Data Security and Development in the Era of Internet Plus".

The expo has attracted more than 300 well-known companies from China and abroad, including Huawei, Alibaba, Lenovo, Google, HP and Microsoft, which can display their products and services on a 60,000-square-meter area.

Some leading figures from the Internet era joining the gathering are Jack Ma, chairman of the Alibaba Group, Zhou Hongyi, chairman of the Internet security company Qihoo, and Terry Guo, chairman of Foxconn.

These people will use the accompanying summit to share their views on big data technology and there will be an innovation contest to attract the best minds to give their innovative design applications of big data technology.


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