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Guizhou: Growth of informatization leads China

By Ou Xinfa and Li Yang ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-05-25

According to a report concerning China's informatization development in 2014 issued by CCID Group, which is under the charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information, and ZCOM E-Magazine on January 25, Guizhou's 10.73 points of growth on the informatization development index signifies that the province has become a pioneer in informatization in China in 2014.

According to the report, Guizhou, with an index reaching 58.76 points, took 23rd place in the evaluation of China's informatization level.

The Guizhou government's effort in developing the big data industry, especially to promote the "1+7" cloud computing project, drives Guizhou's rapid development in informatization.

Information and technology are gradually integrating with all fields, including economics and society.

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