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Venture capital fair opens in Guiyang

By Li Yang and Zeng Jun ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-11-13

The 2013 Guizhou Venture Capital Fair opened in Guiyang on November 9 and lasted until November 10. The volume of transactions made during the fair reached 380 million yuan ($62.37 million). More than 2,000 young entrepreneurs found investment projects and cooperation opportunities at the fair.

Five preferential policies will support all the projects taking part in the fair, including the Venture Capital Fund policy, "450,000-Yuan" Policy Support, Technology Innovation Fund for SMEs and One-to-One Venture Capital Tutorial Service.

Also, various public events during the fair will offer free consulting services for entrepreneurs covering sectors such as investment and financing, industry and commerce, capital guarantees, legal services, accounting and e-commerce.

Rough estimates show that approximately 50,000 people were invited to the fair. Sales income of the 763 companies in attendance has reached a total of 31 million yuan. More than 3,000 people sought advice on micro-enterprise registration and application at the event.

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