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Tian'e county works to modernize agriculture

By (chinadaily.com.cn)

Hechi's Tian'e county has built a group of agricultural demonstration centers in recent years, helping to upgrade and revitalize rural areas.

The county has improved the industrialization level of fruit farms and developed a fruit industry chain. It plans to focus on building a 10,000-mu (667 hectares) Longtan plum production base, a 10,000-mu fruit forest demonstration zone, and a hawthorn demonstration center.

With a nut industry already established, the county also plans to promote the standardization of nut production, with a 10,000-mu walnut industry demonstration center already constructed.

Meanwhile, by developing flower and timber industries, the county has extended the forestry industry chain and promoted its upgrading. In fact, Tian'e is already home to 58 lumber processing firms.

In addition, the county has pushed forward the development of an edible mushroom industry, with two county-level edible mushroom demonstration centers already built.

Hechi is located in the northwestern part of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region and the southern foothills of the Yungui Plateau.