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FNU to build an e-commerce training center in Pingtan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-01-18

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Fujian Normal University(FNU) signed a cooperation contract with Fujian Kuajingtong E-commerce Co in Fuqing on Jan 10.

FNU to build an e-commerce training center in Pingtan

Fujian Normal University signs a cooperation contract with Fujian Kuajingtong E-commerce Co on Jan 10. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

According to the contract, Fujian Normal University is scheduled to settle in the haixia cross-border e-commerce business incubator of Taiwan Innovation Park and establish a student training center there.

The university will also cooperate with Fujian Kuajingtong E-commerce Co in the fields of talent cultivation, technical support and information services.

Covering an area of 60,000 square meters, the haixia cross-border e-commerce business incubator is a comprehensive service base dedicated to providing professional operational guidance and integrated resources for e-commerce traders and entrepreneurs in the city.

Chen Wei, deputy general manager of Fujian Lijia E-commerce Co said, "Currently, Pingtan is actively building itself into an international tourism island and we would like to take advantage of the opportunity to launch online and offline tourism platforms in the city. I hope the incubator can further strengthen cooperation with more colleges to introduce more talents here."

In order to attract more cross-Straits talent to work in the city, the Pingtan government has initiated a series of preferential policies. For example, college students who work at the Taiwan Innovation Park are able to apply for a monthly subsidy of 1,500 yuan ($216.7).

FNU to build an e-commerce training center in Pingtan

Taiwan Innovation Park, a national business incubator in Pingtan, Fujian province [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]