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NPC vice chairman visits Pingtan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-11-18

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An investigation team headed by Chen Zhu, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) and chairman of the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party, paid a visit to Pingtan in Fujian province on Nov 16.

NPC vice chairman visits Pingtan

Chen Zhu, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) speaks at a symposium on his visit to Pingtan, Fujian province on Nov 16. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Chen said, at a symposium, that he was deeply impressed by Pingtan's development and was glad to witness Pingtan's efforts in building itself into a common homeland for cross-Straits compatriots.

He also stated that Pingtan should seize this precious development opportunity to further economic and cultural exchanges between the mainland and Taiwan, making further contributions to the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations.

In terms of the city's healthcare development, Chen pointed out that Pingtan should focus on building healthcare teams to work at grassroots levels, further improving healthcare service systems and bringing in additional high-profile talent from the field.

On behalf of the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party, he also expressed their willingness to offer support should Pingtan encounter any future problems in healthcare development.

Zhang Zhaomin, Party chief of Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone, extended a warm welcome to the investigation team.

He said Pingtan would like to establish a closer relationship with the central committee of the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party, hoping the committee could bring more advanced healthcare ideas and practices to the city.

The investigation team also visited the Pingtan Planning Pavilion, Aoqian roll-on/roll-off passenger ship wharf and Pingtan People's Hospital.

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