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Cross-Straits Xiao clan descendants gather in Pingtan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-08-17

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Cross-Straits Xiao clan descendants gather in Pingtan
Descendants of the Xiao clan from across the Taiwan Straits meet in Pingtan, Fujian province, Aug 5. [Photo/ptnet.cn]

Descendants of the Xiao clan from both sides of the Taiwan Straits met for the first time in Pingtan, Fujian province on Aug 5, ptnetn.cn reports.

The nine Xiao descendants from Taiwan reached Pingtan by ship after about 2.5 hours, or, according to Xiao Guoguang, the group leader, “the time it takes to have a cup of coffee”.

They each received a yellow ribbon, a top protocol for guests and as a token of auspiciousness, according to Xiao Deyi, chief of the Xiao clan in Pingtan.

He added that the Xiao descendants will increase communications next year through tourism and root-finding visits.