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Construction resumes in Pingtan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-08-11

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Major construction projects in Pingtan, Fujian province have all resumed work in the wake of typhoon Soudelor, local news portal ptnet.cn reported on Tuesday.

Construction resumes in Pingtan

Work resumes at the construction site of the Pingtan Haixia Railroad Bridge in Pingtan, Fujian province, Aug 10. [Photo/ptnet.cn]

Soudelor, possibly the most powerful typhoon to land in Fujian in recent years, brought gales and rainstorms to Pingtan over the weekend, toppling houses and forcing tens of thousands to evacuate.

A drainage project by Ruyi Lake in downtown Pingtan was badly affected by waterlogging. Workers are busy pumping the water out. They also had to salvage valuable materials from debris of a toppled prefab house.

The canopy and outdoor hallways at the softball stadium construction site were damaged by the typhoon too. Administrators said they started repair work on Monday morning once electricity resumed.

Work at other projects, including the Zhuyu Lake landscape refurbishment, the Pingtan Haixia Railroad Bridge and the resettlement compound at Zhongyuan district, has also returned to normal.

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