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Traffic police talk to students about road safety

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-03-28

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A campaign promoting traffic safety was held by traffic police at a primary school in Pingtan county on March 19.

At a pep rally, students and teachers from Chengguan Primary School in downtown Pingtan pledged to conform to traffic rules.

"I've always respected traffic regulations. No rail-climbing, no jaywalking and putting on a helmet while riding, otherwise it can be very dangerous," said Fang Ziqi, a fifth-grader.

Her schoolmate Lin Zepeng added that overloading and playing on roads are not allowed.

Road safety has been one of the school's key challenges as various vehicles in front of the school impose a big threat to the safety of its students, according to Principal Zhou Xiaoyun.

The school will increase efforts in promoting traffic safety by distributing textbooks on traffic rules, teaching students police hand signals and building a small bookstore for them, he added.

To add more fun to students' understanding of traffic rules, the traffic police said they will stage a simulation of crossroads with a traffic light on campus, and create a game featuring Pingtan's road conditions.

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Nelly Min