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6 rescued as ship runs aground near Pingtan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-01-07

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6 rescued as ship runs aground near Pingtan

Six crew members were rescued after their Zhejiang-registered ship ran aground in waters off Pingtan county on Jan 2.

Six crew members were rescued after their Zhejiang-registered ship ran aground in waters off Pingtan county on Jan 2.

The ship, Zheyuji 651, with six sailors and 3 tons of fuel on board, ran aground after striking rocks on the Haitan Strait at around 18:35, and then sent distress signals.

The Fuzhou Maritime Rescue Center dispatched a rescue vessel and also coordinated with nearby ships to assist.

The rescuers escorted the stranded ship to a beach, and also escorted the crew to safety.

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Niva Whyman