IP scene
(China Daily)
Updated: 2015-08-12


Music providers remove unauthorized music

Sixteen online music providers removed more than 2.2 million pieces of unlicensed music by July 31, a deadline the National Copyright Administration set for the providers to remove unauthorized music. An official at the authority said they had organized comprehensive monitoring of online music circulation and would support online music providers to explore and carry out practicable charging modes for the distribution of music.

The Beijing News

Inner Mongolia

Overseas visitors experience traditional local culture

Twelve diplomats and experts from nine countries including Malaysia, Russia and Italy visited the exhibition hall of intangible cultural heritage in Hohhot on Aug 4. They viewed a performance of the morin khuur, a string instrument decorated with a horse head-shaped top, and inspected the Mongolian ethnic group's cattle hide boots. The manufacturing of both are listed as cultural heritage. The visitors also went to a local ethnic art theater and paper-cutting museum to learn more about local culture.

Inner Mongolia Morning News


Authorities launch patent navigation pilot project

Local authorities jointly launched a patent navigation pilot project for the electric vehicle and lithium-ion battery industry on Aug 4. The project would help companies use patent information to enable better research, track global trends in technologies and adjust the direction of technological studies. A provincial IP authority said it would gradually introduce the project in the province's other nine strategic emerging industries, such as new materials and advanced equipment manufacturing.

Jiangxi Daily


Group found making counterfeit trademark labels

The market supervision authority in Cangnan county announced it had cracked down on a group making counterfeit W-shaped trademark labels owned by the Wuliangye Group, a renowned Chinese liquor producer. Law enforcement officials found more than 250,000 partly finished fake labels at the illegal operation hidden in a residential community. The case was handed over to the local police for further criminal investigation.

Wenzhou Daily


Province coordinates copyright enforcement

The province's patent, trademark and copyright authorities recently signed an agreement with the customs department to launch a coordinated IP protection mechanism in the pilot free trade zone. Under the mechanism, the IP authorities will provide technical and legal consultations when customs officials find complicated IP-related cases. A joint conference will open to share information about cases and negotiate solutions. Law enforcement officers of different departments will also cooperate with each other.

Fujian Daily


Intangible cultural heritage training commences

A nearly one-month training program on intangible cultural heritage started at a local college on Thursday. It focuses on Sichuan embroidery and pokerwork, two well-known and valuable heritage crafts. The program aims to promote trainees' manufacturing abilities and cultivate their sense of design and marketing. More than 100 trainees took part, including apprentices of heritage inheritors, technicians in related companies and college students majoring in related subjects.



IP management program seeks to solve problems

A training program for enterprise intellectual property management started in Nanning on Aug 5. Organized by the Guangxi Intellectual Property Development Research Center, the program included the key points of the national standard, the procedures to follow and the latest development and policies in the field. Experts helped analyze and provide solutions to common problems. The trainees also exchanged ideas on each other's practices and plans for follow-up work.

Guangxi Intellectual Property Office

(China Daily 08/12/2015 page17)

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