IP Scene
(China Daily)
Updated: 2015-07-22


First intellectual property service trading site launches

Zxipr.com, China's first intellectual property service trading website, started operation on Monday. The site allows IP agencies to open online firms for free. With analysis based on big data technology, the system provides information about the agencies such as success rate, price and comments, so clients can choose one directly or call for a bid. The platform enables clients to track the entire process to reduce risks.



Professionals hired to give technical advice in lawsuits

The provincial high court hired 18 professionals for its IP rights expert panel on Friday. The experts, covering a wide range of fields such as machinery manufacturing, computer sciences, medicines, chemicals, electronics and automatic control, will be asked to give advice in IP lawsuits hearing when technical problems are encountered. The mechanism is part of the cooperation between the court and the Hubei Association for Science and Technology.

Hubei Daily


Companies benefit from pledge loans worth $17.4m

Three companies in the province were granted credit loans totaling 108 million yuan ($17.4 million) with IP pledges at a matchmaking campaign on Monday in Changsha. The event's aim was to increase interaction among banks, IP agencies and companies that require financing. More than 10 banks in Hunan have started IP pledge services and have provided total loans of more than 1 billion yuan to nearly 100 companies. No non-performing loans have been found so far.



160 graduate students receive expert training

An IP training program for graduate students in the province started at Shanxi University on July 9. The three-day program is designed for those majoring in science, engineering, agriculture or medical science, and involved more than 160 trainees. Experts gave lessons on topics including innovation, international IP protection, patent filing, patent documentation searches and case studies. Many of the students said they look forward to more similar courses.

Shanxi Intellectual Property Office


Karaoke bar investigated for music copyright violations

A karaoke operator in the Nan'an district was investigated on Thursday evening over music copyright violations, only one minute after it opened for the night. Officials from the local cultural administration said that they received a complaint on July 10 saying that the operator had been offering unlicensed music. Law enforcement has asked the bar to stop its business and suspended its video on demand system. The raid was the first this year against copyright infringements by karaoke operators in the city.

Chongqing Evening News


Xiamen office focuses on patent insurance policies

The first patent insurance policies in Xiamen city were signed on July 16. The ceremony was attended by more than 80 delegates from the local IP authority, insurance providers and insured companies. The patent insurance mechanism in the city was launched in November 2014, aiming to reduce patent risks and the cost of defending rights. It is one of the focuses of the Xiamen intellectual property office this year, which issued policies in May to give patent insurance subsidies to local companies.



7th China trademark festival scheduled for mid-October

The seventh China Trademark Festival will be held in the provincial capital Haikou from Oct 16 through 19, according to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. This year's event, which is jointly organized by the China Trademark Association and the Haikou government, will include activities such as a Belt and Road Initiative brand protection forum and a trademark financial service innovation forum, in addition to a themed meeting and exhibition.

China Intellectual Property News

(China Daily 07/22/2015 page17)

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