IP Scene
Updated: 2014-12-03


Watchdogs target online fakes

Online counterfeits and piracy have become targets of several IP watchdogs. Chai Haitao, deputy director of a national anti-counterfeit leadership office, said at a recent news conference that the office has increased its supervision of large shopping portals. The State Administration for Industry and Commerce also has its eyes on 254 large e-commerce websites nationwide. The State Intellectual Property Office has investigated more than 2,700 infringements during a campaign aimed at online violations this year.

The People's Political Consultative Daily


Rice expert reaps more millions

Longping High-Tech Co, a hybrid rice and corn seed maker in Changsha, last week signed an exclusive license contract with Yuan Longping, a researcher in China known as "the father of hybrid rice". The company announced it would buy Yuan's naming and portraiture rights at 51.5 million yuan ($8.4 million). In 2000, the company paid him 5.8 million yuan for naming the company and its stock after him.

Farmers Daily


New take on Google's glasses

A Chinese version of Google Project Glasses recently made its debut at the second China International Industrial Design Fair in Shenzhen. A Chinese team using homegrown technologies has developed the gadget, which is called Reed. Its developers said it uses removable batteries that can last four hours, and it can be adapted so that people wearing glasses can also use it. Its price is one-third that of Google Project Glasses.

Yangcheng Evening News

IP Scene

Shenzhen sets gold standard

Shenzhen companies have won four of the 25 2014 China Gold Patent Awards. Huawei Technologies Co, ZTE Corp and China General Nuclear Power Group won the awards with their invention patents. Skyworth-RGB Electronics Co Ltd won the award for industrial design. The two awards are the top patent awards in China. Local companies also won 29 excellent patent awards, 26 for inventions and three for designs.

Shenzhen Special Zone Daily


Smartphone tracker homes in

A home-developed smartphone model with a positioning ability accurate to one meter outdoors has been announced. The prototype, the first of its kind in the world, was launched at a navigation and location service seminar in Wuhan city late last month. Most of the current smartphones equipped with GPS are accurate to 10 to 20 meters. The high accuracy of the prototype model is due to the combination of China's GPS-like Beidou system with Xihe cooperative real-time precise positioning system, said its developers.



Insuring help with the law

Eleven companies in Handan city have insured 66 patents with a total cover of 1.09 million yuan ($177,233) since Handan became a national patent insurance pilot city in February. "Each patent involved in a lawsuit can get a settlement of claims up to 40,000 yuan," said Song Zebo, director of the city's IP office. The local government earmarked 300,000 yuan as patents insurance subsidies this year.



Partners protect IP rights

IP authorities in Chongqing and Guangdong province discussed cooperation in patent protection and cross-region enforcement at a recent meeting in the city. Their partnership, established in 2010, has helped break local protectionism and increase enforcement efficiency, government officials said. At this year's Canton Fair alone, a biannual trade event in Guangdong, the provincial IP office informed its Chongqing counterpart of 48 suspected IP rights violations.

Economic Daily

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

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