2013 survey on global IP firms kicks off
(China IP)
Updated: 2013-08-01

With the rapid growth of knowledge-based economy and quickened development of world economic integration, the amount of transnational IP application and dispute have both increased, which means the demand for corresponding IP services has soared dramatically. Therefore, some outstanding international IP agencies and law firms have emerged prominently with the fast growth of foreign IP related business. At the meantime, Chinese market will be fully opened to the world gradually, and Chinese enterprises are accelerating their internationalization pace, thus a growing number of international IP service agencies are turning their eyes to China.

On the basis of last year’s achievements and experience, China IP and China Daily officially co-launched the 2nd “Survey on Global IP Service Firms.” Factors such as agencies strength, scale, personnel structure, featured services, and China-related business status, are included in the survey. Based on the statistics and opinions collected from the survey, a report and a firm ranking list will be compiled to assist readers. Existing statistics and the results from last year will also be taken into consideration. China IP hopes to build an information platform to connect Chinese enterprises with elite international IP firms.

Results of the survey will initially be released at the 4th China IP Annual Forum through a number of media. It will also be published in both the English and Chinese edition of the magazine and through other media platforms, such as China IP’s official website, China Daily’s IPR Channel, Weibo, WeChat and Linked-in.

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