IP Scene (2013-06-05)
(China Daily)
Updated: 2013-06-05

IP Scene (2013-06-05)

1. Beijing

Champagne's name game

The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine recently approved criteria for labeling French Champagne. According to the rules, only sparkling white wine brewed by production processes and with a specific type of grapes in Champagne, France can be labeled as Champagne. With Chinese consumers downing more than 2 million bottles each year, the nation is now the world's fifth-largest market for wine outside the European Union.


New IP campaign launched

The State Council recently unveiled new directives for fighting against intellectual property infringement and copycat products. Campaigns against copyright violations are mainly aimed at online publishing, music, video, software, animation and games. It called for stronger supervision over video websites and online sales platforms.


2. Jilin

IP Scene (2013-06-05)

Hongqi H7 unveiled

The First Automobile Works Group Corp launched its new Hongqi H7 sedan on May 30. The model is said to mostly use the company's independently developed technologies. The car has three versions that are installed with different engines, which are also developed by the company. The H series is targeted at the service car market, and industry insiders said it has the potential to compete with the Audi A6L and Toyota's Crown. The Hongqi brand was originally designed to serve top Chinese government officials in the 1950s and 1960s.


3. Shanghai

Mobile banking on the way

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank recently unveiled China's first proprietary bank card that is integrated with a cell phone SIM card. The product is the result of six years of joint efforts by the bank and domestic telecommunications company China Mobile. The card allows its holder to conduct many financial transactions without going to the bank. Users of cell phones installed with such cards can also pay bills on more than 1.2 million special POS machines nationwide with the "QuickPass" label.

Dalian evening news

4. Xinjiang

Academy to up patent apps

The local academy of agricultural sciences launched a program in late May with the goal of quadrupling the number of invention patent applications within two years. The initiative was in response to a target set by the autonomous regional government. According to local officials, the rate of invention patent ownership per 10,000 people is projected to increase to 1.09 by the end of 2015. There are also two other research institutions that have launched similar projects.


5. Macao

Yunnan to hold culture showcase

A series of exhibitions will be held on June 8 that highlight the intangible cultural heritages of Yunnan province. Jointly organized by related governmental agencies of the two regions, the 15-day events will consist of a photo exhibition, lectures as well as dancing and musical performances. Thirteen practitioners of traditional arts and crafts will also present at the show, displaying folk handcrafts, such as purple pottery firing techniques and Puer tea production.


(China Daily 06/05/2013 page28)

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

Volunteer team bails out busy court

Government supports unique intellectual property fund

IP service providers showcase products

Experts call for standardization of IP services