IP Scene (2013-05-29)
(China Daily)
Updated: 2013-05-29

IP Scene (2013-05-29)

1 Beijing

Zhongguancun patents

Companies in the capital city's tech-intensive hub Zhongguancun have now been awarded combined 20,212 invention patents, more than 60 percent of the city's total, according to the latest data from the zone's administrative committee. Powered by strong innovation capacity, companies generated 2.45 trillion yuan ($400 billion) in revenue last year, an increase of 25 percent from 2011, fully 20 percent of the city's total GDP.

Legal Daily

2 Tianjin

Copyrights for children

A copyright promotion campaign for children began on May 25 as one of the many non-profit activities held by the city before Children's Day. Chen Yanli, executive vice-president of the Tianjin Copyright Association, delivered the first lecture on the same day to more than 200 primary and middle school students. In addition, writers and copyright experts will be invited to schools to give speeches.

China Press and Publishing Journal

3 Shanghai

SOEs violate IP

State-owned enterprises were found liable in some 88 percent of intellectual property cases filed against them from 2008 to 2012, according to a judicial white paper released by Shanghai No 2 Intermediate People's Court. Factors that led to violations include weak awareness of IP management and protection at SOEs, said the report. It also noted that SOEs were plaintiffs in 40 cases and defendants in 131 disputes, about 76.6 percent of the total investigated.

China Youth Daily

4 Hubei

New trading center

A national copyright trading center will be founded in Jiangxia Economic Development Zone in the provincial capital Wuhan, the second of its kind after Beijing. An industrial park covering more than 60 hectares, the center will offer copyright consultation, evaluation, trading, financing, protection and management.

Changjiang Daily

5 Zhejjang

Mobile trademark suit

Oil giant ExxonMobil has filed a complaint against two auto component makers in Cixi city, claiming unauthorized use of its namesake lubricant trademark Mobile on spark plugs and shock absorbers. In the case heard in Ningbo Intermediate People's Court last week, one of the defendants said its products used in low-priced motorcycles also carries its own trademark, so doesn't mislead the public. The other denied production or sale of infringing products.

Qianjiang Evening News

6 Taiwan

Nokia sues HTC

International IT giant Nokia last week sued cell phone maker HTC claiming infringement on three of its patents in the recently released HTC One series smartphones. Experts said the lawsuit was part of a free-for-all underway over mobile equipment patents that also involves other global players Apple, Samsung, Microsoft and Google.


(China Daily 05/29/2013 page17)

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

Volunteer team bails out busy court

Government supports unique intellectual property fund

IP service providers showcase products

Experts call for standardization of IP services