IP Scene (2013-05-22)
(China Daily)
Updated: 2013-05-22

IP Scene (2013-05-22)

1. Beijing

Patent ranking released

Guangdong province topped a list of Chinese provinces and regions ranked by comprehensive patent competitiveness, according to an annual report released by the State Intellectual Property Office late last month. Beijing was ranked second in the list and Jiangsu province, third. The report has analyzed and evaluated the creation, use, protection and management of patents as well as related services in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. This is the second time that the office has released the regular report.

2. Shanxi

City cashing in on tech

Around 47 percent of patents were commercialized in Yangquan city last year, which is 26 percentage points higher than the national average, according to the city's science and technology authority. The figure for service inventions is higher than 51 percent. The commercialization of patents has spawned more than 140 new products in some 40 different categories. Together, commercialized patents generated output value totaling 300 million yuan ($48.8 million) last year.


3. Jiangsu

Local companies drive R&D

Jiangsu ranked among the top regions nationwide in terms of patent applications filed by and granted to companies in the province. Its companies filed 309,000 applications and were granted 186,000, said Xu Yiping, head of the provincial economic and information technology commission at a meeting on May 16. He also noted that more than 80 percent of the province's total R&D investment comes from local companies, which have founded nearly 4,000 R&D institutions.


4. Jiangxi

IP Scene (2013-05-22)

Domestically developed sniper rifle

The Type 10 heavy caliber anti-materiel sniper rifle, designed by the People's Liberation Army, made its debut in a recent nationwide sniper contest and drill. With a 12.7-millimeter caliber and an effective firing range of 1.5 kilometers, the rifle weighs 13 kilograms, and is equipped with a specially designed laser aiming system that can automatically help the shooter adjust his aim. Experts said it can shoot helicopters, light armored vehicles and radars, some 1 km away.


5. Hong Kong

Date for IP forum set

The third Business of IP Asia Forum will be held on Dec 5, announced Hong Kong Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Gregory So. The first two sessions of the event were jointly organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Hong Kong Design Center. This year, the government of the special administrative region will be an organizer for the first time. Government participation could improve the quality and influence of the annual forum, So said. The urgent demand for intellectual property services in the Asia-Pacific region will create great opportunities, he added.


(China Daily 05/22/2013 page17)

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