IP Creations
(China IP)
Updated: 2012-10-30

Edible Outdoor Survival Guide

IP Creations
Coca Cola
Land Rover printed 5,000 special Outdoor Survival Guide and delivered to its clients. In spite of its traditional function of listing detailed issues worth noticing in outdoor living, the handbook also possesses a very important new function, which is when the owner is lost and starving, he can eat the book. It is said that the book tastes much different from traditional ordinary paper.

IP Creations
Delicious Wallpaper
Delicious wallpaper

A unique elevator is installed in a building located in Great Portland Street, London. The wallpaper of the elevator is made of 1,325 jaffa cakes. The employees working in the building can simply lick the wallpaper to taste the cake. The design aims at adding more fun in life. Although the design seems unacceptable for many people, the design company said that it still would like to apply it to more places.

IP Creations
Delicious Wallpaper
A hug for a coke

IP Creations
In Singapore, Coca-Cola has embraced a unique advertising campaign. When a consumer hugs the machine it dispenses a free coke. Who wouldn’t want to give it a try?

IP Creations
Google Project Glass

IP Creations
google glass
Sebastian Thrun, Vice President of Google published a photo which he shot with Google Project Glass. In the picture, he was spinning his son with both hands. Although it is a snap-shot, the picture has enjoyed much praise for its high-end quality. The photo is said as opening a new revolution in the industry. According to Google, the glass can handle a large amount of work besides photo shooting. It allows the user to interact with friends which appear in the picture and to browse the Internet while walking.

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

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