IP Scene (2012-4-11)
(China Daily)
Updated: 2012-04-11

IP Scene (2012-4-11)

1 Heilongjiang

Lecture tour on IP careers

Xu Jiali, head of the intellectual property research center at China University of Political Science and Law, recently gave a talk on the importance of intellectual property rights and job opportunities in the field.

Part of a nationwide college lecture tour organized by the China Intellectual Property Training Center, the seminar at Northeast Forestry University in Harbin attracted more than 250 students and faculty members.


2 Beijing

Rules on new plant varieties

The Ministry of Agriculture recently released new rules on naming plant varieties that will take effect on April 15.

The regulation mandates that one plant variety can have just one name, which cannot be the same or similar to those with well-known trademark status.

By the end of 2011, the ministry had received more than 9,000 applications for legal recognition of new agricultural varieties, about 3,700 of which have been granted.


Trademarks on sites mooted

Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce officials are encouraging the city's well-known alleys, communities and scenic spots to trademark their names to prevent business disputes.

Famous historic and cultural sites such as South Luogu Lane, one of the oldest alleys in Beijing, should be registered for protection, said Yang Yiwen, head of the administration.

"Trademark owners can then make goods with those names featured to add a competitive edge in the marketplace," he said.


Spice firm fine for infringement

The Changping district court fined a local maker of cooking spices 100,000 yuan ($15,800) for violating the trademark rights of COFCO, China's largest food manufacturer.

The defendant, Beijing Xianhechu Seasoning Plant, admitted it had no business arrangement with COFCO, but argued that "many dealers use the trademark because products with COFCO labels have much better sales". The company has lodged an appeal of the verdict.


3 Shanghai

Couple imprisoned for piracy

A couple and their tenant were sentenced to prison on March 29 and fined 45,000 yuan for selling pirated discs.

Local police seized 127,000 pirated discs in their rented two-bedroom apartment.


4 Jiangsu

Center for patented tech

A national exhibition and trade center for patented technology was unveiled during March in Huisan district, Wuxi.

The center will provide services for technology and product trading, financing, patent evaluation, information search and analysis to facilitate industrialization of research results.

It plans to compile a public database on photovoltaic technology at a cost of 50 million yuan over the next three to five years that will benefit 16 photovoltaic companies in the district, according to Song Xiang, vice-manager of a local high-tech startup service center.


5 Macao

Changes in copyright law

Local lawmakers recently passed modifications to the copyright law in the special administrative region, which will take effect on June 1.

Cheang Chi Keong, chairman of the Third Standing Committee of the Macao Legislative Council, said the revision brings Macao in line with the World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty and WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty.

The legislation extends copyright protection to the Internet and digital technologies while strengthening penalties.

Legal Daily

(China Daily 04/11/2012 page17)

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