Traffic police's Valentine

Updated: 2017-02-14

Midnight film - a romantic moment in life

Liu Yu is a policeman responsible for dealing with traffic violation punishments and driving license practices. He tackles these problems for more than 200 people every day and is busy from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm.

Speaking of his partner, he said, "We would sometimes enjoy a romantic moment after night shifts if we are not too stressed out. We would go to the theater and watch the last movie."

Traffic police's Valentine

Fei Yuanhang (Left) and Liu Yu (Right) on Valentine's Day. [Photo/]

On Valentine's Day, couples may wander in the streets, hand in hand, sending flowers and having dinner to convey their love, but for those traffic police couples, the day is a festival for couples but also the busiest day to keep roads safe.

Happy Valentine's Day to the safety guardians on the road.

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