Vivian Chow confirms concert in May
Updated: 2006-04-17 09:15

"Being in this industry, you are constantly surrounded by people, who are there to protect you. As a result, there is this gap between the public and myself. I felt I needed to get back to a normal life and learn how to take care of myself.

"After so many years, I realised that I have learned a lot and am more aware of what it is that I need. So in the future, should I come to a crossroads, I will choose wisely and I will love myself more."

"Some people need colourful lives but this is who I am. That is why I went to Canada. Hong Kong is a vibrant city, it's exciting but in Vancouver, the people there are very simple. Although there was that one time when a paparazzo managed to take my picture, it wasn't too much a problem and I was able to lead a normal life. I needed it. Emotionally I feel healthier. I have made the right decision."

But has she thought about making a comeback?

"In May, I will be staging two concerts (May 25 and 26 at Hong Kong Coliseum where she will be donating all of her concert earnings to the non-profit Veterinary Service Society). I think fans were ecstatic when they heard the news because they never expected that after so many years they would see me on stage, performing. I'm sure all my fans will be there, including those overseas.

"In terms of acting, at the moment, there aren't any special plans because my schedule is quite packed with doing commercials. I think it's best to leave these things to fate.

"I hope fans will not hold out too much hope. I can't make any guarantees but who knows if I'm offered a really challenging role I'll think about it."

Chow has almost 40 movies and TV serials to her name. But many of them have her typecast as the vulnerable, good girl. 

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