Seven anti-aging miracle foods
By Emily Dorn (LHJ)
Updated: 2006-03-27 16:18

These healthy, delicious foods are super-charged with important nutrients to help you live longer, and healthier.

Add the following seven super foods to your shopping cart and you just might unlock the key to longevity. Sue Moores, MS, RD, spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, explains how these foods delay the onset of aging and the risk of age-related disease.

Dairy is often difficult to digest, but gentler yogurt is an easy way to get the calcium you need -- and more. One serving a day delivers a dose of healthy probiotics -- "good" bacteria that helps promote a balanced intestinal environment. "As we age," Moores says, "we can lose bacteria in our intestine, making it more difficult to prevent digestive diseases." The probiotics found in yogurt, namely acidophilus, serve as a natural defense against potentially harmful organisms. But all yogurt is not created equal: Read the container's nutrition label to ensure that the brand you choose contains active cultures.
Serving size: 1 cup
Calorie count: 138
Quick tip: Opt for plain, lower-fat yogurt, because the flavored varieties frequently contain added sugar.

As the anti-aging ambassador of marine cuisine, salmon has omega-3 fatty acids, essential fats that reduce inflammation in the body, warding off a laundry list of age-related ailments: arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, and more. Plus, "fish is brain food," proclaims Moores. Its oils have been shown to strengthen memory performance and decrease the slowing of mental faculties as we get older.
Serving size: 3-4 ounces
Calorie count: about 150
Quick tip: Toss canned salmon over salad as you would with tuna.

For a fruit that is often marginalized to muffins, we are sorely overlooking this power berry. Blueberries are another essential "brain food," because they consist of loads of phytonutrients, or plant chemicals, recently touted for their role in preventing age-related neurological disorders. Moores advises, however, to head straight to the source -- consuming dietary supplements in place of the pure berry is not guaranteed to provide you with as many of its benefits, not to mention the fruit's tasty pleasures!
Serving size: 1/2 cup
Calorie count: 40
Quick tip: You can profit from blueberries year-round: There is no significant difference in the nutritional content of fresh, dried, or frozen berries.

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