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China Daily Website

Worshipping ceremony marks China's ancestor Huangdi in Henan

Updated: 2012-03-12 09:57

Worshipping ceremony marks China's ancestor Huangdi in Henan

Red baloons rise at the grand worshipping ceremony to mark the nation's legendary ancestor Huangdi in Xinzheng, central China's Henan province, March 29, 2009. More than 10,000 Chinese attended the grand worshipping ceremony on Sunday. Huangdi was regarded as the common ancestor of all the Chinese people around the world.[Photo/Xinhua]

Worshipping ceremony marks China's ancestor Huangdi in Henan

Chinese from all over the world attend the grand worshipping ceremony to mark the nation's legendary ancestor Huangdi in Xinzheng, central China's Henan province, March 29, 2009.[Photo/Xinhua]

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