Transportation in Lijiang

Updated: 2011-07-18 17:02


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By Bicycle

Renting a bicycle: it is most convenient to travel by foot or bicycle in the old quarter. Bicycles can be rented at Sifang Street and the prices vary from 15 yuan to 80 yuan per day based on their quality. The International Youth Hostel also provides this service, but only for its guests. During the off season, bicycle renting is more open to all. Other bars, like Anbaba, also lend mountain bikes. The price of bicycles at the Red Sun square varies from 10-15 yuan per day.

By Train

Construction on the train from Lijiang to Dali has already started and the section from Dali to Kunming started in early 2009. It’s estimated that the price of hard berth from Lijiang to Kunming is 130 yuan. At present, the train from Dali to Lijiang only provides hard seats with the price of 34 yuan. Started at 9:26 am from Dali, the train L9016 arrives at the east station of Lijiang at 13:12 pm.

By Bus

As the connection site of Yunnan, Sichuan and Tibet provinces, Lijiang enjoys convenient traffic conditions with the traffic way most common.

Most buses in Lijiang city are conductorless, and cost 1 yuan. Another mini van is as convenient as a taxi with the price of 1 yuan.

Special travelling route

The No. 7 bus drives to the Dongba Cultural Museum for only 1 yuan.

A special bus drives from Lijiang to Mt. Yulong with the price of 9 yuan.


Tourists may stroll in the old quarters or take a taxi with the starting price of 7 yuan and added price of 1.8 yuan per km. It will only cost you 7 yuan to go around the city.

By Airline

Usually tourists choose to first fly to Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province, and then fly or take a bus to Lijiang. While at present, tourists may have other choices than to take a straight airline from Shanghai or other cities to Lijiang

Lijiang airport is 28 km away from the city. It takes 50 minutes to fly from Kunming to Lijiang by airline, with the price of 740 yuan. Tickets can be bought in Tickets Book Center in Kuodong road of Kunming (opposite to the provincial tobacco building), or at Fuhui road in Lijiang.

The airport shuttle bus can take tourists between the airport and the city, and the terminal site is at the gate of the ticket office of Xincheng Yunnan Airline Co. It takes 30 minutes, and costs 15 yuan. It takes you seven yuan if taking a bus from the entrance of the old quarter to the center. Or you can take the No.1 bus at Xindajiang station to the airport.