Gear up for soft adventure

By Xu Junqian (China Daily)
Updated: 2010-08-20 09:36
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Gear up for soft adventure

Gear up for soft adventure

Gear up for soft adventure

Gear up for soft adventure

Bicycle tours are the latest trend on Shanghai's streets, Xu Junqian reports.

Cycling through the city's quiet, tree-line streets and parks is a great way to spend a summer's day with friends or family. And the idea is catching on, with many choices of bikes and routes now available through a number of bike clubs, district tourism offices, entrepreneurs and park authorities. So, get on your bike!

1. Chongming Island

Chongming Island's beautiful scenery and winding roads have made it a favorite venue for international cycling races. And it is equally ideal for recreational riding. There are plenty of scenic stops to cycle around, including Dongping Forest Park, Xisha Wetlands and the Yangtze River embankment. You can try some country cooking along the way at small family restaurants. It usually takes one day to tour the island, but if you want to take the time and enjoy the country life, there are many private family hotels on the island to spend the night. Remember to make a reservation in advance.

Where to rent a bike: Dongping Forest Park, Xisha Wetlands, Nanmen Dock (Yimi Bicycle Rental)

Tel: 021-5967-5785

Cost: 500-800 yuan deposit; 75-100 yuan each bike for one day

Transportation: Metro line 3 to Baoyang Pier and then take a ferry

2. Former French Concession

Only a few steps away from bustling Huaihai Road, the former French Concession is the best part of town for a casual pedal. With the largest number of magnificent, historical buildings, tree-lines streets, slow moving traffic and an extensive route of wide bicycle lanes, you can easily explore this charming and surprising part of Shanghai. You can even visit the former residence of historical figures including Sun Yat-sen, the founder of modern China, his wife Soong Ching Ling, and leader of the Kuomintang, Chiang Kai-shek.

Where to rent a bike: 393A Wukang Road (Wukang Road Tourism Information Center)

Tel: 021-6433-5000

Cost: 300 yuan deposit; 2 yuan each bike for the first hour, and 4 yuan each hour after (Remember to bring an ID card or passport.)

Transportation: Metro line 1

3. Sheshan Mountain

Located in Songjing district, on the outskirts of Shanghai, Sheshan Mountain is actually more of a hill, but the only one in Shanghai. It is home to the city's observatory and She Shan Basilica. Nearby, there are a number of new parks and Happy Valley, the largest amusement park in Shanghai. If you are more interested in the area's history, you can also ride into the center of the district, home to some ancient and historical buildings.

Where to rent a bike: Sheshan station on Metro line 9

Cost: 200 yuan deposit; free rental (Remember to bring an ID card or passport.)

Transportation: Metro line 9

4. Jing'an Historical Sites

For those looking to get a historical view of the city and the origins of the Communist Party of China, consider hopping on a bicycle supplied by the district tourist office - the same models that most Shanghai resident used to peddle 1980s. The former residence of Mao Tse-Tung (5-9, Lane 120, Maoming Road N) tops the list for sightseeing. This traditional style two-floor building showcases Mao's daily life when he lived in Shanghai. The district also boasts some of the most famous and original lane houses in the city, which still house a large number of residents. You can take all this in at your own pace while riding a bike.

Where to rent a bike: The former residence of Mao, or 30, Lane 7, Chengdu Road N

Cost: 300 yuan for deposit; free rental (Remember to bring an ID card or passport.)

Transportation: Metro line 2

5. Pudong Century Park

Covering an area of 140 hectares, the largest park in Shanghai has bike rental services. For adults with kids or young couples, hire a tandem or even a four-person pedal car and you will have great fun from the riding experience. The park also offers fishing and amusement rides.

Where to rent a bike: 1108 Huamu Road

Cost: 100 yuan deposit; 20-40 yuan rental

Transportation: Metro line 2

6. Prodigy Cycling Club

This club arranges tours in and around Shanghai, along with some novelty rides. Its "naked", "men in proper pants" and "women in bikinis" rides have become an eye-catching scene on city streets (see photo on the left). The club provides no rental services and you only need to pay an activity fee, which is reasonable in most cases. Sometimes, the activity is free of charge, like the "naked" ride. All you need to do is get your bike out and meet the team.

Address: 3D, Building 1, 833 Huaihai Road M

Tel: 021-6471-8853, 138-0166-2710


7. China Cycle Tours

China Cycle Tours is a Shanghai- and Suzhou-based bicycle club specializing in city and countryside touring. The club not only provides you with carefully designed routes, its bilingual staff can also help you with food, lodging and transportation. Equipment can be rented. Custom tours and free maps are available. The club can also deliver bicycles directly to your hotel or home.

Address: No 52, Lane 358, Huaihai Road M

Tel: 137-6111-5050
