LIFE> Newsmaker
Birds of a feather
By Lin Qi (China Daily)
Updated: 2009-08-26 09:17

Tu Xin is among those city girls who shun phoenix men when looking for a husband.

"One of my friends dated a phoenix man. They looked all right at first, but then she found her boyfriend was unhappy to see her with male friends and wanted to control her social life. So they broke up," she says.

She believes that a man from the city would not be so immature. "I don't mean to generalize, but there are just too many ideological contradictions between phoenix men and peacock women."

Chen Youhong, however, says people should not exaggerate the differences.

"It is a good idea for phoenix men and peacock women to reach some agreements when they marry. For instance, how to deal with their earnings, visits by relatives, the housework and caring for both parents, among others," she says.

She also points out that both sets of parents should show respect for each other and let their children resolve their differences.

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