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Highlights of Hu's activities in US

2011-01-21 15:09

BEIJING - The following are highlights of Chinese President Hu Jintao's activities in the United States on Thursday, the third day of his state visit to the country.

-- President Hu held talks with Speaker John Boehner of the House and Majority leader Harry Reid of the Senate, calling upon the US Congress to continue helping the two countries boost their relations.

Pursuing a healthy and steady development of China-US ties is China's established policy and strategic choice, Hu stressed.

China is ready to work together with the US side to enhance communication, mutual trust and cooperation, and work for a China-US cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit, he said.

The Chinese president said parliamentary exchanges are an important part of China-US relations.

China, he said, hopes that the US Congress will continue backing and actively engaging in exchanges between the two countries' legislatures and make greater contributions to the development of China-US relations.

-- Later, President Hu attended a welcome luncheon in Washington hosted by friendly organizations in the United States, where he put forward a five-point proposal for the further development of Sino-US relations.

First, the two sides should bear in mind the overall interests, take a long-term perspective and make active efforts to advance China-US cooperative partnership, Hu said.

Second, the two sides should seize opportunities and take innovative steps to build a new pattern of mutually beneficial economic cooperation. Both China and the United States are advancing economic restructuring, increasing inputs in environmental protection, new energy and technological innovation, and promoting the development of health, education and other social programs.

Third, China and the US should intensify communication and consultation and deepen coordination and cooperation in addressing global challenges and international and regional hotspot issues, such as the Doha Round negotiations, climate change, energy and resources security, food security and public health security.

Fourth, the two sides should deepen friendship, be forward-looking, and vigorously promote friendly exchanges between various sectors of the two countries.

Fifth, the two countries should treat each other with respect and as equals, and handle major, sensitive issues in a proper manner.

-- On Thursday afternoon, Hu left Washington for Chicago to continue his visit, where he met local officials and would visit a high school.

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