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UN chief extends condolences over NW China mudslide

2010-08-11 15:36

UNITED NATIONS - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday extended his deepest sympathy and condolences to the government and people of China over the loss of life and devastation caused by the severe mudslide in northwestern China.

In his monthly meeting with representatives of the 15 UN Security Council members, Ban extended his deepest condolences to the families of those who died or were injured or lost their homes and possessions in the rain-triggered mudslide in Zhouqu County in China's Gansu Province.

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A devastating mudslide hit Zhouqu County early Sunday morning following torrential rain overnight, burying various houses and crushing buildings.

The death toll from the mudslide has risen to 702, with 1,042 others still missing, the Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs said on Tuesday.

After the outbreak of the tragedy, Ban said, the Chinese government put people's lives and safety first, and has been undertaking tremendous efforts to evacuate people, carry out search and rescue operations, and respond to needs arising from this situation.

Meanwhile, the secretary-general reaffirmed the commitment of the United Nations to offer necessary assistance to China in its relief and rescue efforts should it be required.

Li Baodong, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, briefed Ban and other diplomats from the Security Council members on the current situation in the disaster-hit zones as well as the relief and rescue efforts undertaken by the Chinese government and people.

At the monthly meeting, representatives from Russia and other Security Council members also offered their condolences to the Chinese government over the devastating mudslide, and spoke highly of the prompt and efficient relief and rescue efforts made by the Chinese government.

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