Taiwan's leading mainland negotiator agrees to stay on

Updated: 2009-05-09 06:51

(HK Edition)

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TAIPEI: Taiwan's top negotiator with the mainland, Chiang Pin-kung, said Friday he has decided to stay on as chairman of the quasi-official Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF), just days after voicing his determination to resign.

Taiwan's leading mainland negotiator agrees to stay on

Chiang announced his decision at a press conference after meeting Friday at the foundation with Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou, who was there to persuade Chiang not to follow through on his intention to resign.

Chiang tendered his resignation Monday, saying the stress of his job had compromised his health since he assumed office last May.

He also felt that after concluding nine agreements and a separate consensus on the mainland investment in Taiwan in three rounds of talks with the mainland - the last of which coming last month in Nanjing - he had fulfilled his mission.

When explaining his reasons for resigning Wednesday, Chiang cited his ailing health, age (76), and desire to spend more time with his family.

Ma insisted Friday that Chiang should remain at the helm of the SEF.

One of the main reasons for staying on, Chiang said, was that he invited his mainland counterpart in Nanjing to come to Taiwan for a fourth round of talks in the second half of the year. "The promise must be realized," he said.


(HK Edition 05/09/2009 page4)