Eco-friendly commuting for planet earth's well-being

Updated: 2008-03-11 06:43

(HK Edition)

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Commuting has become an inevitable part of modern society. A survey by Peking University in 2005 revealed that the average amount of time spent by Beijing residents commuting to and from work everyday was one and a half hours. Not only does commuting take up our precious time and energy, it also adds to the degradation of our environment.

How nice it would be if commuting became an enjoyable way to start and end the workday? Have we ever considered how our daily commuting is contributing to the well-being of our own self, our community, and the planet?

Your means of transport

Ask the man in the street on how he chooses his means of transport, and I bet you would get something like this, probably in this kind of priority - cost, speed, reliability, comfort, safety, personal health, and ecological impact....

We make our decisions in a dynamic manner, based on a number of variables and personal preference. For example, one might take a taxi if it rains, or if one carries heavy luggage, or when one is very late for work - despite the fact that it costs more and causes pollution. Sometimes I take the bus instead of the train simply because there are seats available for me to catch up some sleep, yet it may be wise to take the MTR during the rush hour to avoid traffic jams.

Ladies might prefer the minibus to the train during rush hours for fears of sexual harassment.

Nonetheless, it is possible and enlightening to set up a list of green parameters to remind ourselves of the relative merits of the various means.

(1) Environmental impact:

How polluting is the fuel? How much harm is done to the natural environment (e.g. road building)? How much harm is done to the neighboring residents (e.g. noise pollution and toxic fume discharge endangering people and animals in the wild) ?

(2) Personal Health:

Does it provide good physical exercise? Does it endanger the commuter's physical and mental health (e.g. noise pollution on the bus making one nervous and restless)?

(3) Safety:

How safe is it?

Green scoring for commuting means

Let us rank the various existing means for commuting according to these factors (in ascending 'green' order):

Private car - Undoubtedly disastrous in all three aspects. It is fuel inefficient, noisy, environmentally destructive, and most unsafe for the passengers and other road users. Its disadvantages are only surpassed by the motorcycle which is even more horrifying in all three aspects. (The scooter/moped is slightly better.) The electric car/scooter is less damaging regarding carbon emission, but generator power in the present way is not eco-friendly anyway.

Taxi - Somewhat less destructive in all these terms.

Minibus - A far more eco-friendly choice as the same vehicle carries more passengers.

Bus - Performs even better than the minibus in terms of number of passengers carried and road safety.

Tram, trains, and subways - All highly commendable in terms of fuel efficiency. They vary in other aspects, e.g. the tram is noisy, and trains and subways easily have the best safety record.

Bicycling - The bicycle is the most efficient vehicle ever invented. It requires the least amount of energy per meter traveled than any other form of transportation - including walking! Cyclists spend their commuting hours getting a workout, and arrive to work and school alert and de-stressed! On the downside, it is not too safe given our local urban traffic situation, and it is not weather-proof.

Walking - A quick and healthy means of traveling short distance can improve your mood, stretch and strengthen your muscles and bones, and can be combined easily into other travel modes, such as the bus and the train. Walking is also a natural activity for our bodies. Brisk walking can reduce blood pressure, improve digestion and strengthen bones.

Commuting for a greener future

Did you know? Each motor trip that is switched to cycling or walking avoids releasing into the atmosphere 2.6 grams of hydrocarbon, 367 grams of carbon dioxide, and 1.6 grams of nitrogen oxides per passenger mile.

As the community is becoming more green-conscious, we can enjoy cleaner, healthier and compassionate commuting options.

Buses are coming clean by being more fuel-efficient and using cleaner fuels, cars are gradually turning to cleaner fuels, railways extend to more corners of the city, bicycle lanes are being built to connect satellite towns, and pedestrian paths and flyovers encourage walking.

Schemes to encourage carpooling and park-and-ride habits are being designed and implemented. Furthermore, novel inventions such as the roller skater and the Segway are promising alternative ideas for commuting in the near future.

All these come about as a result of the public's view about eco-friendly commuting.

How you and I choose to travel to work determines tomorrow's commuting scene as well as the planet's health.

Simon Chau can be contacted at:

The author is the chair of Green Living Education Foundation.

(HK Edition 03/11/2008 page4)