Highlights for Paper


Bilingual: Tesco accused of carrying rubbish in food trucks to cut costs  2013-12-05 15:02:38

The UK's largest retailer has stopped using waste contractors to pick up and dispose of general rubbish, including unsold food, from its 600 largest supermarkets. Instead, bags of waste are piled into metal wheeled cages lined with clear plastic. These cages are picked up by the same trucks that deliver food to the stores once they have emptied their load.

Buzzword: Green tape  2013-12-05 15:02:38

Green tape refers to excessive environmental regulations and guidelines that must be followed before an official action can be taken, which may lead to delays and cost blowouts on projects.This term is the environmental analogue of the phrase red tape.

Bilingual: Lots of college freshmen are about to dump their high-school sweethearts  2013-12-04 15:42:34

Many college freshmen are home this week for the first time since August. They’ll retreat to what is comfortable – spending time with family, old friends, and for some, a high-school sweetheart. Thanksgiving will also be a time for big questions, particularly for those freshmen still in high-school relationships. Did they take advantage of their first three months in college, or did they lose out by spending too much time on Skype? During their first trip home, freshmen have to decide whether they stick it out with their first love, or succumb to what is known as the “Turkey Drop”— the phenomenon of high-school couples breaking up when they come home for their first Thanksgiving.

Buzzword: Lightweight reader  2013-12-04 15:42:34

Lightweight reader refers to someone who gets sleepy or passes out shortly after starting to read.

Bilingual: A unique Indian wedding website for HIV positive people  2013-12-03 15:19:51

Mr Valiv, 43, who founded PositiveSaathi.com in 2006, is a government officer with a passion for social work.The web site is a free matrimonial website for HIV positive people.

Buzzword: Brand name-dropping  2013-12-03 15:19:51

Brand name-dropping describes the situation where someone attempts to impress others by frequently mentioning the brand names of goods that one owns, it is usually regarded negatively.

Bilingual: Why do most Chinese dislike their jobs?  2013-12-02 15:34:56

A survey reveals that employees in China say they are not engaged in their jobs Judging by the survey data, many Chinese workplaces are black holes of misery and despair. Only 6% of Chinese employees said they are "engaged" in their jobs, according to a global Gallup survey released this month.

Buzzword: Desk psychology  2013-12-02 15:34:56

Your desk speaks volumes about who you are, and can even mark you out as suitable or not for your company. That’s what we called desk psychology.

Brazil: NSA spy scandal still stings  2013-11-30 18:02:10

Two month after Brazil was caught between the devel and the deep blue sea, Valdemar Carneiro Leao, Brazilian Ambassador to China, talked to China Daily during an exclusive interview about what has Brazil taken away from this major online crisis.

Bilingual: What was on the menu at the first Thanksgiving?  2013-11-29 15:11:50

Today, the traditional Thanksgiving dinner includes any number of dishes: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, candied yams, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. But if one were to create a historically accurate feast, consisting of only those foods that historians are certain were served at the so-called “first Thanksgiving,” there would be slimmer pickings. “Wildfowl was there. Corn, in grain form for bread or for porridge, was there. Venison was there,” says Kathleen Wall. “These are absolutes.”

Buzzword: Ego waffles  2013-11-29 15:11:50

Buzzword: Media meshing  2013-11-28 15:06:34

Buzzword: Pank  2013-11-27 15:24:37

Language tips: Slash and burn  2013-11-26 15:29:15

Buzzword: Minimoon  2013-11-25 15:35:53

Buzzword: Holiday package anxiety  2013-11-22 15:28:07

Buzzword: Transition friend  2013-11-21 15:23:11

Buzzword: Internet meme  2013-11-20 15:24:49

Buzzword: Coffee face  2013-11-19 15:14:52

Buzzword: Egyptian Days  2013-11-18 15:36:28

Laowai Not: Curry up and eat  2013-11-18 15:16:43

Luo Shen Fu premiered in Beijing  2013-11-15 17:39:06

Buzzword: Office rage  2013-11-15 15:39:53

Buzzword: YOLO  2013-11-14 15:04:38

Buzzword: Fat wife strategy  2013-11-13 15:39:02

Hot words: Communique  2013-11-13 15:39:02

Navy special: Choosing a sailors life  2013-11-13 15:30:15